How to travel to Guatemala, all the answers

To avoid unwanted surprises during your adventures abroad, we leave you with a list of tips that you should keep in mind:

Traveling to Guatemala


Use social networks to your advantage

If you like social networks and have many followers, it will be very useful for you to know the advantages that social networks will bring you. Social networks will help you get to know different places to help you plan your itinerary.

Plan your trip and buy your tickets in advance

Planning your trip is very important. Use the tools that exist on the internet to plan your itinerary. If you plan to travel outside the country, make sure you have the necessary permits and visas.

Carry a copy of your documents in your hand luggage

When you are going to travel you must have the need to share your social networks with me. Make sure you carry a copy of your documents in your hand luggage. If you lose your luggage, you will have the necessary information to request your lost luggage.

Find the best rate for your transport

Once you arrive at your destination, you must find the best rate for your transportation. There are several internet sites that allow you to find the best rates for your transport.

Find the best rate for your accommodation

Like transportation, you should find your lodgings in advance. There are several internet sites that allow you to find the best rates for your place.

Do not carry all your valuables

When you are going to travel you must have the need to share your social networks with me. Make sure you don’t carry all your valuables in your luggage. Luggage is more vulnerable to being stolen or lost.

Do not use your valuables in public places

When you are going to travel you must have the need to share your social networks with me. Make sure you don’t use your valuables in public places. If you get robbed, it will be harder to get your items back.

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